Today: 10:00am – 5:00pm Questions? 303-690-4722
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Versatile Groundcovers for Waterwise Landscapes

Did you know that groundcovers can be functional and beautiful? Generally less than 24 inches tall, these low-growing plants can become an important, water-wise feature of your landscape. Many xeric groundcovers are wonderfully suited to dry slopes, perennial borders, in between stepping stones, and as replacement for traditional lawns. Join Craig as he shares the best low-water groundcovers for sun, part-shade, and full shade in this class! Digital handouts will be made available to class attendees.

Feature Instructor: Craig Miller, ISA Certified Arborist. Since 1970, Craig has dedicated his career to the Green Industry. He has worked in numerous capacities, including as a City Forester, Water Conservation Specialist, and Parks & Open Space Manager. His expertise, passion, and humor make him a favorite instructor at Tagawa Gardens!

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