Today: 9:00am – 6:00pm Questions? 303-690-4722

Extending the gardenCommunity OutReach

Growing gardeners is such a passion for us that we turned it into a unique program! 

For more than a decade, we’ve worked with hundreds of organizations, schools, businesses, and non-profits, sharing the value of gardening with people of all ages.

Our OutReach

Our Community OutReach program proudly features our Garden Ambassador, Luan Akin. A fixture on Denver television for thirty years, Luan logged thousands of hours in her airborne office, the helicopter for CBS4 News. During that time, she also trained as a Master Gardener. Luan left Copter4 and an award-winning career in TV news to put her passion for gardening to work as Tagawa’s Garden Ambassador. As a native Coloradan with a down-to-earth approach and an unfailing sense of humor, she understands the challenges of gardening in our climate and strives to help others succeed.

This year, we’re in the process of rebuilding our community programs, focusing on seasonal presentations we can offer your private group right here at the garden center. We have very limited availability for offsite bookings at your location, but we think your group will love gathering in our unique greenhouse environment!

Luan Akin teaching class houseplants
Luan Akin teaching class terrariums
teasing roots potting
veggies flowers potted

Putting Your Landscape to Bed

The first frost doesn’t mean the gardening season is over! Show your landscape some TLC with simple maintenance in the fall that will pay off in big ways come spring! (Fees apply.)

Dress up Fall with Succulents and Pumpkins! (demo)

Not every pumpkin was meant to be a Jack O’ Lantern, and not every succulent was meant to be in a pot. Luan shows you how to pair these unlikely partners and create fun and fanciful decorations to welcome autumn into your home. (Fees apply.)

Green Up Your Fall Cleanup

We as gardeners may wrap up our season in the fall, but Mother Nature has other ideas! Discover how we can be more Earth-friendly, foster a healthier approach to our fall cleanup, and improve our garden ecosystem all at the same time! (Fees apply.)

Create Your Own Holiday Porch Pots (demo)

Professional-looking holiday decorations are just a few tips and tricks away! Let Luan show you how to combine fresh greens with bows and bling or simple accessories gathered from nature. It’s both fun and festive! (Fees apply.)

Explore possibilities for your groupSend us an inquiry
Please send us an inquiry to find out all Tagawa Gardens has to offer your group. Ask if Gift Card Fundraising might be an option for your group, too! We look forward to working with you.