Making kid-friendly bird feeders to delight the kids… and the birds!

Can birds feel delight at the sight of a child proudly hanging up a new bird feeder they’ve made themselves? Maybe. Maybe not. But I feel attached to so many […]
Things we should be doing to help keep our wild birds healthy

It’s good to stop now and then and think about how much wild birds enrich our daily lives. Whether it’s beautiful songbirds at our backyard feeders or the “hoo… hooo” […]
If you feed them, they will come!
If the world just outside your home is a little too quiet and still these days, there’s a way to fix that. Put up a bird feeder…. or two…. or […]
Easy perennial gardening for the birds!
Colorado has more diversity of wild birds than any other landlocked state. That’s big! And it means this is a terrific place to garden specifically with the birds in mind. […]
Creating a Bird Buffet in Your Garden Keeps Birds Coming Back
No garden seems complete without birds. They add life and color and music to our little slice of paradise. But how can we attract birds to our gardens and keep […]