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Planting for Pollinators

More than 70% of flowering plants in the world rely on pollinators for fruit and seed production. A pollinator-friendly yard not only provides nectar and pollen for these important species but also nesting sites and/or host plants on which pollinators can lay their eggs. As we look forward to National Pollinator Week, join us Craig and learn how to create a pollinator habitat in your own backyard!

CLICK HERE to sign up to get the handout for this class + Craig’s favorite gardening resources straight to your inbox the day of the class

Feature Instructor: Craig Miller, ISA Certified Arborist. Since 1970, Craig has dedicated his career to the Green Industry. He has worked in numerous capacities, including as a City Forester, Water Conservation Specialist, and Parks & Open Space Manager. His expertise, passion, and humor make him a favorite instructor at Tagawa Gardens!


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