A shady spot in your landscape offers the opportunity to grow some unique plant selections that not
only tolerate shade but prefer it. These include richly-colored flowers, plants with lush foliage,
flowering groundcovers, and vines that will climb and provide cover. Come learn the basics of 38 trees,
shrubs and perennials that thrive in full to partial shade – choose your favorites and start planting a
relaxing place to cool off and unwind!
Craig Miller has been in the Green Industry since 1970. He has worked in various capacities, including nursery sales and landscape design, landscape construction and maintenance, lawn and tree care, pesticide application, and tree and landscape care sales. In addition, he has been a City Forester, Water Conservation Specialist, and parks and Open Space Manager. He has a B.S. in Horticulture from Michigan State University and is an ISA Certified Arborist.