Discover the brilliance of the bioluminescent Firefly Petunia!
This new introduction glows like moonlight in the dark. On Saturday, April 12, 2025, join us in person for our Firefly Petunia release, where Firefly Petunias will be available for direct purchase at Tagawa Gardens. (While supplies last. More details to come.) Due to the unique nature of these plants, no discounts will be available, and no refunds or returns will be accepted.)
To prepay and reserve your Firefly Petunia at Tagawa Gardens now, click here to pre-purchase from a limited quantity of Firefly Petunia available online! (While online supplies last. Pick up time for pre-ordered plants will be April 12-14 only.)
The Firefly Petunia emits a soft glow similar to moonlight. It can be grown in pots and baskets, quickly attaining about 8 to 10 inches in size with abundant white flowers. Although typically regarded as an annual, Firefly Petunia can be grown indoors if placed in a sunny spot. They flourish under long summer days, preferring at least six hours of direct sunlight. The Firefly Petunia’s unique glow is most visible in fully dark environments. Nighttime light interference from street lights, porch lights, or other light sources will affect the visibility of Firefly Petunia’s natural glow.
Care Instructions for Firefly Petunia:
Sunlight: Full Sun, 6-8 hours, for optimal glowing
Care: The Firefly Petunia is a heavy feeder. For optimal growth, fertilize the petunia with a high nitrogen feed (example 24-12-17 Proven Winner Fertilizer), water-soluble fertilizer once a week throughout the growing season. Deadhead often. Prune to achieve desired shape.
Water: Prefers evenly moist soil. Do not allow to dry completely between waterings.