Join Paonia Soil Co. Executive Director, Bart Eller for a talk about the science of soil health and the best practices for bringing life to your garden, color to your window boxes, and bounty to your table!
About Paonia Soil Co. –
Established in 2012, Paonia Soil Co. is a Colorado-based, family-owned manufacturer of fully mineralized, living, organic potting soils and soil conditioners. With a broad customer base ranging from the Denver Botanic Gardens to the US Forest Service, to the backyard gardener, we’re passionate about cultivating a diverse soil food web and making it simple, successful, and profitable to use for growers, gardeners, and landscapers alike!
About Bart Eller –
As the Executive Director of Paonia Soil Co., Bart Eller has helped hundreds of commercial growers and backyard gardeners tackle challenging soil issues, transforming dirt into fertile ground. Rooted in soil science, his unorthodox methods have empowered growers to become the top organic producers in their region. A well-seasoned speaker, Bart is known for combining many natural and organic farming disciplines – including permaculture, no-till, keyline, and many other regenerative practices – into a simple methodology that both novice gardeners and professional farmers can understand and apply for a healthier crop this farming season.