So much that unfolds inside the sun-drenched greenhouses of Tagawa Gardens seems almost magical. Watching bare-root roses come to life certainly qualifies. A sea of roses has been “coming to life” over the past few weeks since nearly 4,400 of these dormant plants were tucked into special soil and set out on benches to become some of the healthiest, most beautiful roses you could find for your home gardens. Discover what makes Tagawa roses so special:
What does “bare-root” mean?
The term “bare-root” applies to small dormant plants that have been dug up and had the soil around their roots removed to make them easy to transplant.

These dormant roses don’t look like much when they’re unpacked from the growers, but once they’re exposed to Tagawa soil, sunshine, water, and warmth, they take off!
Call it tough love, but the first thing the Tagawa crew does is prune away about half the root system of the dormant plants and some of the top growth.
Trimming away the excess growth helps shape the plant and kick-starts its new life. Notice the tiny pink leaf sprout next to the pruners shown above. This rose cannot wait to get up and running!
It’s a team effort getting them started!
For the Tagawa Production team and a few folks drafted from other departments, it’s all hands on deck getting 4,360 bare-root roses potted up in just a day and a half!
Even when the dormant roses are trimmed and planted, it’s not obvious what they’re destined to look like, but the tags attached to each plant give a clear picture of what’s to come.
Richard, Tagawa Gardens‘ Rose & Perennial Supervisor, says he’s bringing in nearly 250 different varieties of roses this year. All the bases are covered: hybrid teas, floribundas, grandifloras, shrub roses, climbers, and more. He says some of the roses are actually drought-tolerant, an attribute not usually applied to these plants that often have the undeserved reputation of being prima donnas.
Tagawa Gardens is known for its roses!
In 1978, when the Tagawa family bought the building we now know as Tagawa Gardens, the existing business focused on growing long-stem roses. That’s why there is and always will be a rose, front and center, in the Tagawa logo.
In fact, on official documents, Tagawa Gardens’ corporate name is Tagawa Rose Farms, Inc. We have a long and proud history with these amazing plants. Richard says he sees our roses as a way of creating family memories, because when well cared for, the plants can span generations.
One month after planting, look at our roses now!
Remember what I said about the magic? Only a few days after the bare-root roses were exposed to water, warmth, and sunshine, that magic began. Just see where they are now!
No flowers yet, as it should be. The plant’s energy needs to be directed to making the roots full and vigorous. But it won’t be long until all of these roses will be ready to go to new homes in your garden!
Tagawa Gardens 2024 roses will be ready to leave the warmth of our greenhouses and head out with our guests on Friday, April 19, the day of our annual Night of Wine and Roses event. We hope to see you there, stopping to smell the roses!