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10 Things NOT to Do in Your Landscape

This is your comprehensive guide to over watering, over planting, herbicide misapplication, tree abuse, and inappropriate species selection. Join us to learn how you can be the best steward of […]

Made In The Shade

A shady spot in your landscape offers the opportunity to grow some unique plant selections that not only tolerate shade but prefer it. These include richly-colored flowers, plants with lush […]

Top 7 Tree Care Myths Debunked

Should trees be staked after planting? What does the root system of a tree really look like? What about fast-growing trees? Should you reduce the height to make them safer? […]

Should you prune in Spring? Yes, and no!

Spring Pruning Guide at Tagawa Gardens

Pruning can be intimidating, especially for newbie gardeners. While now is a great time to prune certain plants, it’s very much the wrong time to prune others. So let’s take […]