Keeping Our Succulents Healthy & Happy
Okay, for the record, we can’t actually make our succulents “happy.” That’s a people thing, though a lot of us do assign human emotions to the plants we love. But […]
A “Heads Up” on Garden Pests from our Garden Advisors
We’re all seeing it: Many of our flowers and veggies took a “time out” and slowed their growth during our rainy, cool weather in June. So did many of the […]
Recognize any of these tomatoes problems?
I have quite the rogue’s gallery of tomato issues this year. In my own defense, I grow a lot of tomatoes. Twenty-three plants, to be exact. For a household of two. But […]
Are my tomatoes confused, or is it just me?
It’s been a rough summer for the tomatoes in my garden. Record-setting heat has caused a lot of the problems. With so many weeks of 90 degrees and up, many […]