Houseplants can help with your mid-winter itch!

Schefflera Plant

Are you feeling it too?  That mid-winter itch to poke around in some soil?  Let houseplants come to the rescue! If you’re part of the current houseplant craze, good for you!  […]

One more reason to grow orchids!

Orchids at Tagawa Gardens

Most of us would agree that orchids are amazing plants, with flowers that are stunning and other-worldly.  They can take our imagination to exotic far-away places.  With a little help […]

Being your houseplants’ best friend, Part Two

In my last blog, we looked at how to be your houseplants’ best friend…. specifically, in terms of watering, drainage and re-potting.  High time we looked at the notion of the “right” light […]

Being Your Houseplants’ Best Friend, Part One

I’ve certainly killed my fair share of houseplants.  Who hasn’t?  But I still refuse to accept  the notion that some people just have “black thumbs,” and are beyond help.  Not so! Help […]