Sun, Water & Fertilizer

Annual Water

When you shop for flowers at Tagawa Gardens, our Annuals Team will immediately ask how much sun your planting area receives. Picking the right plant for the right place is […]

Bedding Plants

Experiencing our Annuals Department in springtime is unforgettable. With 25,000 of our exclusive Tagawa-grown geraniums and nearly 200 varieties of petunias stocked in spring, that’s just the beginning! In every […]

Hanging Baskets

Tagawa Gardens hanging baskets are a tradition. In our production houses, we grow special hanging baskets of begonia, fuchsia, ivy geranium, lantana, and scaevola. In late April to early May, […]

Container Gardens

To save you time, our design team curates over 175 unique container designs. Planted in our greenhouse in early spring, these container gardens grow under the watchful care of our […]

Sustainable Practices

colorful flowers

With our commitment to sustainable practices, you can rest assured that we incorporate an environmentally friendly beneficial insect program that leverages the power of nature to address pest issues. The […]