Today: 9:00am – 6:00pm Questions? 303-690-4722
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Beauty and the Bees – with Deryn Davidson & Lisa Mason

Whose been buzzing around my garden? Participants will get to know the local pollinators in their neighborhood, their importance to our ecosystems, and how to design landscapes that will attract them while creating beautiful home landscapes.



Deryn Davidson holds a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture from Colorado State University and a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from the University of Arizona. Deryn joined CSU Extension in 2014 as the Boulder County Horticulture Agent and, in November 2022, became the Sustainable Landscape State Specialist for CSU Extension. She has a passion for native plant horticulture and pollinator conservation that grew during her time as a horticulturist at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, TX. She loves combining her training in design and horticulture with ecological function and looking for new ways to bring nature into our urban environments.

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